Ten Easy Website SEO Tips You Can Do Yourself
There is no magic formula when it comes to SEO and there is no magic way to rank your website on the first page of Google.
There is no magic formula when it comes to SEO and there is no magic way to rank your website on the first page of Google.
Fall is here and your summer help might have gone back to school. Is your business so short-staffed that no one is updating your website or social media right now?
Yeah, I get asked that a lot. And since I really don’t care for the word cheap, let’s rephrase that. Why are you so affordable?
We live in a digital world and every business needs a website. If you do one thing today to help your business be more successful, it should be getting online with a new website.
If you feel that something is wrong with how your website ranks on Google, there are three technical aspects that might be the culprit.
Check out your Google Analytics. Are more people visiting your website from a mobile device than from a desktop computer?
I find it surprising when I see how many small businesses still do not have a website. It’s 2021 and our world is shaped by digital media now more than ever.
I know, you’re anxious to launch your new website. But you still have to decide true colors and write a bunch of valuable content. You’ll just add it later because it’s better to have something online than nothing, right?
Are you getting anywhere with your website? I have a few quotes from Paul Cookson that help drive a few points home.
This is a story about people who try to avoid paying a web designer for their work. Since it happens all too often, I wanted to share a real-life example from yesterday.
Your website is the face of your brand online. There’s a lot of planning that goes into creating this space. It’s where potential customers come to find out who you are and what you do.
Everyone knows a website needs to be optimized for search engines like Google. Search engine optimization (SEO) brings more traffic to your website.