Professional Instagram Profiles are a great place for your business to promote your products and services. However, do your followers see your posts as too promotional?
When you post on Instagram as your business:
- Are you creating content that simply satisfies your ego?
- Are you boasting about things that might not matter to anyone else?
- Do you judge and criticize others so as to harm their work and success?
If you said yes to any of these questions, you’re doing Instagram wrong! Ego boosting does not belong on your professional Instagram profile.
Sure, posting to boost your ego on a personal profile might have its benefits, but it’s not appropriate for your business channels.
Ask yourself: Do your posts create value for your community and not just for yourself?
Your Professional Instagram Profiles Audience
- Can you help make their work easier?
- Are you hosting an event they might like?
- Have you heard something funny you know would make them laugh, too?
Be an Authentic Business
Instead of boasting, show the personality of your company and the real people behind your business.
- Showing faces on social media works wonders for your business!
- Share stories that show us you’re an ordinary person with ordinary people working with you.
- Share stories of the things in life that make you and your staff happy.
We prefer to buy from and work with people we like, so build a community of real people with real conversations.
Don’t Worry So Much About Instagram Likes
Likes and reactions do not equal worth so don’t get too wrapped up in social approval.
Some posts will get zero likes while others will get hundreds.
So, stop worrying about views and likes.
Professional Instagram Profiles – Bottom Line?
Keep your personal profiles separate from your professional efforts because they are not the same.
Furthermore, your business content should always be relatable. People are getting tired of posts that boast perfect bodies, expensive toys, and luxury destinations.
We follow brands we can relate to. So, be sincere, keep it real, and have some fun sharing stories we can’t wait to hear!
Follow Abuzz Creative on Instagram for more tips!