Is all of your online content mobile friendly? Websites, social media, email newsletters – it all needs to be easy for us to read, no matter our screen size.
Online marketing spaces are extremely competitive. Businesses like yours are competing for the same potential clients and customers.
And, with more people than ever searching online with their phones and tablets, getting clients with mobile friendly content is more important than ever.
Your online content needs to resize for our screen – any screen – and it needs to load fast.
Responsive to all screens
Since our phone screens are smaller than desktop screens, your online content has to scale proportionally, and logically.
When we’re viewing your website, everything should scale so we never have to scroll sideways. I recently had to pinch and zoom while trying to read a newsletter on my phone. In 2023, pinch and zoom should no longer be a thing.
We should only have to scale up and down.
Graphics on social media
When we’re viewing your graphics on social media, any embedded text should be large and legible on a phone.
Never assume people are only viewing your content with their desktop or laptop. We are using our phones more than ever!
Think responsive.
Make it mobile friendly.