Everyone knows a website needs to be optimized for search engines like Google. Search engine optimization (SEO) brings more traffic to your website.
As a northern Michigan retail business, you are always looking for ways to increase sales. Your top marketing priority is to have an ecommerce website that ranks well on Google.
But you’re not the only one trying to get more website traffic. Your competitors are working hard for rankings, too. If they outrank you, they are getting all of the potential customers you’re trying to get.
For your online marketing to be successful, you need to pay attention to your competitors.
What are they doing to outrank you on Google?
They’re Outranking You for Relevant Keywords
Your business has a collection of keywords you’re using in your web content. Take that list and do a Google search for each of the keywords on it.
Which retails websites are ranking for those keywords? Those retailers are your competitors. Click links in the results to view their content.
- What changes can you make to your content to compete?
- Are you using your best keywords in all of your web content?
- Are you using your best keywords in page titles and H1-H6 tags?
They’re Always Adding Fresh Content
Is your competitor keeping a blog with new posts and fresh articles? Are they adding new products to their online shop or improving product descriptions for better ranking?
These are the things you should be doing to compete!
- Use your blog for news, product announcements, and testimonials.
- Take the time to write better product descriptions with keywords.
The User Experience on Their Website is Better
Your competitor’s website is faster, cleaner, and easier to navigate than yours. That means they’re winning with humans and with Google.
Poor web design can stop your visitors from venturing past your home page. It can also hurt how you appear on Google in search rankings since the user experience is an important SEO factor.
And if your website is slow? Well, forget about the mobile visitor. They’ll leave after a second or two of waiting for your site to load.
- Improve the user experience on your website.
- Make it easy for visitor’s to find what they came for in the first place.
- Speed up your website by reducing images, files, and scripts.
- Test your website on mobile.
Keep Your Website Content Fresh
Keep updating your website content.
Keep posting on your social media channels with links to your products.
It takes a little work, but the payoff will be better placement over your competitors which can lead to more new customers!
[sc_fs_faq html=”true” headline=”h2″ img=”” question=”What is search engine optimization, or SEO?” img_alt=”” css_class=””] SEO is how we improve your website to increase visibility in a search related to your business on Google. When you have more visibility for your web pages in search results, you have a better chance of attracting new and existing customers to your business. [/sc_fs_faq]