Running a marketing agency gives me a chance to create something of value and beauty in a world that desperately needs it. I try to bring sunshine and laughter every day, even if it’s only for me.
My work fills a large part of my life. I’ve stumbled and made mistakes, but I learned from them and became stronger.
What Do I Love? Marketing for Northern Michigan!
Web Design: My passion is creating websites that are search engine friendly. A search engine like Google can crawl each page on your website efficiently, interpret the content effectively, and index it all neatly in their database.
Search Engine Optimization: I know SEO. I love SEO. I’ve been optimizing websites for more than twenty years. My SEO and web design techniques work together seamlessly for a beautiful website that performs well for you on the search engines.
Social Media Marketing: Your business can’t operate without customers, and attracting new customers is the only way to grow your business and improve your revenue. If you’re operating without a marketing team, outsourcing is your best option. I love managing social media for northern Michigan business owners. As a marketing professional, I make it my job to keep up with the industry.
Outsourcing all of your marketing tasks is cost-effective for your company, and will get the marketing job done fast!
Follow Your Passion – It Will Never Feel Like a Job!
To be truly satisfied, you have to love what you do.
And I do.
I turned 60 this year. I appreciate where I am in my journey, and I revel in the joy and security that comes with getting older.
abuzz (adj.) – alive with activity, talk, etc.