Thanks to Do-It-Yourself Website options like Wix, more small businesses like yours are taking the DIY approach to make their first website.
But, after awhile, you’re no longer happy with the service or you’ve outgrown your Wix site or the hidden fees are catching up with you.
Can you just move your Wix website somewhere else?
Nope. You don’t own your Wix website, you’re renting it.
Wait. You spent countless hours trying to put together a Wix website that you don’t even own?
Correct. It’s not yours. You’re stuck.
Your Website is Not Yours
With Wix, you don’t own your website. That includes the design.
You’re one of thousands of subscribers being allowed to use their site builder. You’re one of thousands of subscribers using the same theme.
You can’t transfer or move a Wix site because it’s not yours to take.
Your Content is Not Yours
OK, this should make you uncomfortable: Every time you upload content to Wix, you no longer control that content.
Wix gets to use it however they see fit, and without your permission.
Did you read the fine print when you signed up?
An Important Hidden Cost – Your Time
Making your own website isn’t really free if you are doing all the work. Isn’t your time worth something?
The biggest hidden cost is time-related. If you are making your own website, that takes away from running your business.
And you did all of that work for something you don’t even own.
Make a Smart Investment
As a business owner, your website is one of your largest business assets.
Hiring a professional to design your site will cost something, but the one-time investment will bring you a valuable marketing asset you actually own.
[sc_fs_faq html=”true” headline=”h2″ img=”” question=”When I pay my Wix bill, does my money support a local business?” img_alt=”” css_class=””] Not at all. Wix is based in Tel Aviv so your payments don’t even support a US business. [/sc_fs_faq]