Labor Day is a good time to think about the local business owners you know and trust. Mom-and-pop shops, solo entrepreneurs, designers and artists, our hard-working farmers…
Are you passionate about supporting these small business owners in your community?
Is it your mission to hire local services first when you can?
From a Web Design Perspective
In web design, I know lots of businesses who pay for a website product that is specific to their industry. The website is built by an agency in another state. Their website looks like everyone else’s website in their industry.
These businesses send away their monthly fees without thinking twice.
Unfortunately, those web fees don’t go to a local business.
That money is supporting a far-away web agency who will never be a customer in kind.
They won’t shop your store. They won’t hire you for your services.
FYI – Your local web designer can build the same website, and for less.
Support Local Business Owners
Invest in people you know.
Support your local economies.
On this Labor Day, remember what it means to “support local” and make a vow to do just that.
Local Shout-Out
Sunflowers shown in my photo are from Bear Creek Organic Farm in Petoskey. Sales from sunflowers help fund their employee health care plan.