More people search the web with a mobile device than a desktop these days. We always have our phones with us and can easily find local things we need by searching on Google.
This explains the rise of mobile searches for things near people at that moment.
Look at the Google Business Profile stats in the graphic below:
The number of mobile users on Google Search and Google Maps is much higher than desktop.
Your Google Business Profile is usually found in a search before your website. Are you keeping your listing up-to-date?
Add Posts and Photos to Google Business Profile
According to Moz, 40% of businesses have never posted on their Google Business Profile.
It’s time to take advantage of this powerful option! Your posts become visible for potential clients when they search and find your brand.
Add photos and videos often. People can view them on Google Search and Google Map listings.
Making posts on your business profile won’t improve your local SEO rankings, but quality posts with a great graphic can help drive more clicks to your website.