In today’s digital world, we look for a local company on a search engine first, and that really means we do a Google search.
FYI – Close to 90% of all search engine traffic goes through Google!
Your local business needs to understand the new normal for customers – they expect to find every business easily online.
As a local business, you need to ask yourself two questions:
- How are local customers searching for my business?
- Are they finding my business at all?
Since local customers rely most on Google to find your business, it’s important to know their behavior when searching on Google:
- 92% use Google to search for products, services, and answers.
- Almost 80% go right to the organic search results.
- The first position in organic search results gets 20% of clicks.
- The first three listings of a Google search get 60% of the clicks.
- Less than 5% of us get to the second page of Google search results.
There’s been a steady increase in customers using Google to search for local businesses, and that trend is not slowing down anytime soon.
Since Google is the main starting point for your local customers, you need to work extra hard to earn a top spot on their search engine.
Being on the first page of Google almost guarantees lots of new customers!
[sc_fs_faq html=”true” headline=”h2″ img=”” question=”Does Google My Business help local customers find me?” img_alt=”” css_class=””] Yes! When someone searches for you, your optimized Google Profile helps you get found in top results like Google Maps. Make sure your Google My Business account is optimized and that you are updating at least once a week. [/sc_fs_faq]