DIY Website Troubles. You decided to go DIY and created a business website yourself. You started from scratch without any kind of website building knowledge and just assumed people would come.
There’s more to building a website that ranks well on Google than people realize.
You know that your website is the most important marketing tool for showcasing your business online.
When searching for products and services online, most people turn to Google. If they can’t find your website on Google, you’re missing out some great new customers.
So, why isn’t your DIY website appearing in search engine results on Google?
1. Lack of SEO Optimization
If your website is not optimized for search engines, it may not show up in search results.
To rank well, you must have properly optimized your website with relevant keywords, meta tags, and descriptions.
2. New DIY Website Troubles
If your website is new, it may take some time for search engines to crawl and index your site.
This process to crawl and understand your new website can take anywhere from a week to a month.
3. New Domain Name
If you recently changed your domain or purchased a new domain, it may take some time for search engines to recognize and index your website.
4. Lack of Quality Content
If the content on your website is low quality or generic like every other site in your industry, your website may not show up in search results.
Your content has to be unique, informative, engaging, and relevant to your target audience.
5. Poor User Experience (UX)
Every website needs to provide a positive user experience for site visitors, no matter the device they’re using to view your website. A poor user experience will hurt your ranking.
Google looks for valuable content and a great page experience. This helps the search engine decide on how to rank your website.
If website visitors are hitting the back button, this tells Google people aren’t finding that your content is helpful. Google will not rank your site well.
6. Google is Not Crawling Your Website
Websites that don’t show up on Google could be blocking the search engine from crawling the site. The “robots.txt” file tells search engines where they are not allowed to go on your site.
Check your site in Google Search Console to see if there are issues related to your “robots.txt” file.
7. Competition
If your competition has been online longer with quality content, it will be hard to compete with them on Google.
Plus, if your business is in a saturated market, it will be harder to rank with single keywords.
You need to get creative with long-tail keywords that are unique to your brand.
My Thoughts on DIY Website Troubles
If you’re trying to figure out how to create a website, you can’t be working on your business. Your biggest cost will be your time. Building quality websites is much more time-consuming than many people realize.
Just because you can do something, it doesn’t mean you should.
Hire a professional web designer – like Marcie Wolf – who has the technical expertise for creating an effective, well-ranking website that’s optimized for SEO with high-quality content.
Hiring a professional web designer will save you from spending weeks learning the technology required to build a website that can be found on Google.