Your number one marketing piece is your website. It’s the digital storefront of your business which should be appealing in design and mobile-friendly in layout.
Most small business owners would like all of the bells and whistles that larger business websites have, and it’s possible through the use of WordPress. This popular platform powers the back end of the websites we develop. Our clients can then easily maintain, add and organize their pages and media on their own website. And when we say it’s easy, we mean it!
WordPress is the Industry Standard
The WordPress content management system has been in use for more than ten years so it’s no newbie. WordPress continues to grow because its engineers are always working out any little kinks and improving the software. And you’re in good company since more and more websites are being built using WordPress.
Continual Updates for Security and Safety
Some content management systems require you to manually check for updates or may be slow on performing maintenance. WordPress is always doing the work for you with ongoing, instant updates. You can feel confident with the security of your website always being up to date. WordPress engineers keep working to make its system better and more secure – for users and visitors!
Optimized for the Search Engines
WordPress is SEO-friendly. That means your website is more searchable by Google, Yahoo, Bing, and more. WordPress makes it easy for us to optimize all of the websites we develop in the easiest ways possible. With SEO plugins, we make sure your website content ranks well.
Are You Ready for WordPress?
You need a website that grows as you do and WordPress gives you that option. WordPress offers endless possibilities for growing your digital storefront down the road. Let us build a WordPress website for your business. Your finished website will be visually pleasing, fully functional, and responsive so it can be viewed on all devices (phones, tablets, laptops, TVs).