The chamber of commerce is a group that’s dedicated to protecting and promoting the local business community. The chamber helps business owners network and grow. If your primary goals are to build local B2B relationships or to grow a local business, the local chamber of commerce is a good place for you.
The local chamber offers more benefits than just access to a member database. The chamber organizes major events, they lobby local government, and they help visitors and new businesses that come to the area. The chamber does the leg work in putting together events and bringing people together for networking.
Joining your local chamber of commerce is valuable, as long as you take the initiative to make it work for you. By actively participating, volunteering, and serving on committees do you truly form valuable relationships, both business and personal. Take an active role in your chamber and participate whenever possible. Get involved and provide suggestions. You ARE the chamber.
Why is My Business a Member of the Chamber?
In my 14 years as a small business owner, I have never questioned the value of chamber membership. The reasons my business will always be a member?
- We have opportunities to network and grow – professionally and as individuals.
- We can serve on various committees with like-minded business people.
- We have access to member resources and reputable experts for advice.
- There are so many opportunities to get involved in the community so we can give back to our area.
- There’s a wonderful sense of camaraderie with other members who become clients and friends.
I have served on festival planning and membership committees, and was an Ambassador (truly the FUN-raising group) with Petoskey Regional Chamber of Commerce. I’ve served on the Harbor Springs Area Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors, marketing committee, and area business committee.
The Chamber is a Group, Not One Person
When you join, you ARE the chamber. When all members work harder to promote our area and make time for mentoring, together we can improve our sense of community. Being involved really makes a difference, plus it builds trust in your company and in yourself.
Isn’t it better to work together than to work alone?