It’s 2019 and I really shouldn’t have to ask this question, but is your website mobile friendly? Do you have one website that responds to all devices?
On average, we spend 5 hours a day on our phones and quite often we search for new products and services using a mobile device. If we click on a link to your website, is it mobile friendly?
Google says 61% of users will not return to your website if they had trouble accessing it on their phone, and 40% will visit a competitor’s site instead.
Mobile First Indexing by Google
Did you know that mobile traffic officially surpassed desktop traffic on the Internet three years ago?
Google recognized we are making more of our buying decisions on our phones while we go about our lives. Soon after, Google rolled out their Mobile First indexing.
Google now takes its ranking signals from the mobile version of your website, not the desktop version. If your current site is not mobile friendly or you have a second site for mobile only, you could see a dramatic drop in your rankings in Google.
You Need a Responsive Website
The days of having a less-than-optimal mobile site are over. Having a mobile friendly website is not just a good idea, it’s imperative!
Let’s work together on a responsive website that you – and your visitors – will love.