We all experience dry spells when writing new posts for our blog and our socials. Suffering from writer’s block can be frustrating. Fortunately, there’s inspiration in ready-made content! You can buy Private Label Rights (PLR) articles to use as your own.
PLR is content for your topic that you didn’t have to write, but it’s yours to use. Just edit the ready-made content to suit your needs.
PLR content gives you the “rights” to make changes so the final content you do publish will reflect your brand voice.
You can – and should – modify the PLR content you choose to use.
Never Copy and Paste Word for Word!
If you do not take the time to modify PLR content and you just copy and paste the content word for word, it will be the worst thing you can do for your website!
Google’s Duplicate Content Penalty!
PLR websites sell the same content you’re buying to lots of other people, and I mean LOTS. Hundreds!
If you publish the same exact article on your website that hundreds of others are publishing, Google will see your version as duplicate content and will penalize your website for it!
To avoid the risk of duplicate content penalties:
- Add your personal touch to the content.
- Change the article title.
- Make the content unique to your brand and your location.
- Focus on setting your content apart from all the others.
Make PLR Content Your Own
Never, ever copy and paste PLR content word for word.
Using PLR ready-made content as filler must include changing the content and the brand voice to make it your own. You can save yourself lots of time while still publishing fresh content that’s unique to your website.
[sc_fs_multi_faq headline-0=”h3″ question-0=”Can I copy someone else’s blog post and publish as my own?” answer-0=”Absolutely not! This practice is unethical and is copyright infringement. In regard to duplicate content, you will be penalized. ” image-0=”” headline-1=”h3″ question-1=”What is duplicate content according to Google?” answer-1=”If you copied the original content from the original source, you risk Google penalizing your website for duplicate content. Google is smart enough to know who the original owner is of that content. The moment Google crawls a blog post, they give credit to the original source – the author you copied from. Your site then runs the risk of being penalized for copying someone else’s content.” image-1=”” count=”2″ html=”true” css_class=””]