Your business is most likely experiencing the effects of COVID-19 in your daily operations. Events have been canceled or postponed, everyone is now working from home, your restaurant is serving take-out only. But what about your marketing tasks?
Now is not the time to go silent and slow your marketing efforts. It’s time to adjust your tone and your message.
People are scared. We are all worried about the future of our businesses. We need help. And hope.
Sharing Your Marketing Message During COVID-19
- Ditch the sales pitch
- Speak with more empathy
- Be sincere in your message and your offers
- Get creative in what you can offer as support
- Provide educational tips and short videos
Think of everyone’s current reality of social distancing and mirror that in your visuals (working from home vs. a busy office setting).
Stay safe during these difficult times and continue to communicate with one another.
Together in community and in this journey. Sharing hope at every turn. – Marcie
[sc_fs_faq sc_id=”fs_faqdv4avpawc” html=”true” headline=”h2″ img=”” question=”Should I still be posting on my social media channels?” img_alt=”” css_class=”” ]Yes! Social media has become a mainstay for everyone who is working at home or being forced to stay home during this time. Get creative with your posts. You want to keep your brand top of mind while being mindful to the needs and concerns of your audience right now.[/sc_fs_faq]