Digital Marketing Top Three
Marketing your business online is an essential part of your marketing strategy, but knowing where to begin and focus your efforts is a daunting task for any business owner.
Marketing your business online is an essential part of your marketing strategy, but knowing where to begin and focus your efforts is a daunting task for any business owner.
Why rent a basic website from Wix, Weebly, or SquareSpace when you could – and should – own your business website? Plus, these online site builders do not support a local business.
At this point, your business has had a website for quite some time. Have you made sure your website is optimized for mobile visitors?
We get calls from business owners whose websites are not performing well on Google. Sometimes the answers are quite easy, but most often the problems are more complex.
Have you noticed the little circles at the top of your Facebook and Instagram newsfeeds? Those are “stories” posted by friends or pages you follow.
Most small businesses create a website and expect leads to start flooding in. They sit back and wait – yet nothing happens. Every business needs SEO!
Your number one marketing piece is your website. It’s the digital storefront of your business which should be appealing in design and mobile-friendly in layout.
Creating a website should be first on the to-do list for any new company. A website gives your business credibility and shows people that you’re ready to do business. If you don’t have a website, how would people even know you exist?
What is Social Networking? The simple definition is, “The creation and maintenance of personal and business relationships.” Social networking is possible in person, but is much more popular online with social platforms like Facebook.
Today, more and more consumers use the Internet on their mobile devices to search for the products or services they need. If your site is not mobile-friendly, potential customers will go to your competitors to find what they need.